As more and more online businesses pop up – especially in the Black community – their owners are realizing just how significant SEO is to their business website’s visibility, viability, and branding. (And, if you don’t know that SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, you are already behind!) Here are four Black-owned SEO companies that have your back:
Yasha Sterling Management Agency
Only one percent of women on the entire planet hold a dual MBA/MCS degree. Yasha Sterling is in that one percent. She is also the principle and founder of Yasha Sterling Management Agency, founded in 2011 and headquartered in Illinois. If you are in search of traditional and/or digital marketing for your business, then Yasha’s long term profitability strategies are definitely at the top of the list for Black Business owners. Communication, technology, branding, and strategy are what drive this organization’s bottom line. Click the link above to find out how they can help you grow and excel.
Ardena Brooks and Designs by Ardena
Located in the heart of Inglewood, California, Designs by Ardena boasts huge strides in art preservation, graphic design, and printing for more than a decade. The company’s main service is helping Black business owners promote and build their brand, scale their product sales, and grow their client base through digital efforts. Need a new logo? Ready to take your visual brand to the next level? Need a classier business card design? Or do you need letterhead, brochures or digital ads created for your business? Designs by Ardena can provide you with dynamic, artistic graphics that catch and hold the attention of your prospective clients.
This digital agency, created by Zhe Scott, is a result of the inequality that exists between white males and Black women in the same digital marketing space. Zhe was tired of working for others and making them rich, while she was struggling on food stamps. Fed up with not being paid what her work was worth, Zhe created The SEO Queen and, since its inception, she has taken her business from $0 to over $600,000 in profits. With the creation of The SEO Queen, Zhe has helped Black owned businesses get found on the first page of Google, and in over 3 trillion searches on Google each year. That’s HUGE for any Black business. Check out Zhe’s very comprehensive website and see how she can help you get found.
LA natives Eric and Fazia Gooden launched Goodeyo as newlyweds in 2017. At the time, the couple already had over 13 years of experience with social media marketing and digital advertising. Focused on helping Black business owners and communities in innovative ways, they make sure that social media is a catalyst and not a burden for small Black business owners. If their motto “Fresh content, prepared for your business daily” doesn’t catch your attention, I don’t know what will.
Be sure to check out these Black owned companies and, if you know of other Black owned digital marketing and social media marketing agencies, drop them below.
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