
The Mompreneur Plan Every Mother in Business Needs

The pandemic has not been easy for any of us. The everyday ‘Mompreneur’ especially has had to find ways to deal with unusual work and life balances, while keeping their family safe. Is the concept of “work-eat-play” outdated? The pandemic has certainly created a need for more self care, yet, there aren’t any more hours in the day for me than there are for you. It’s also hard to keep it as simple as it once was. Our homes are now our offices, our offices are now also school classrooms, blurring lines that used to be kept separate for a myriad of reasons — one of which is our mental health and well being. 

So how do we find a balance when we seem to be constantly in both mommy and CEO mode? At the end of the day, the best plan is one that focuses on finding time for what is important to us instead of using the cookie cutter approach to “work, eat, play” that often normalizes spreading yourself too thin. When that happens, work finds itself at the top of the list, with a lionshare of your time automatically allocated. Whatever you have left often goes to family and friends leaving minimal time for you or your creative hobbies and goals. 

While there are plenty of blog articles that advise you to get a facial, unplug the television and not answer your phone, that is not exactly a “plan” which can simply boil down to proper time management.

While this “balance” manifests itself in different ways for each of us, I’m going to be talking about 4 of the 8 characteristics that can be attributed to a lack of time management skills to create your ultimate Mompreneur plan for 2022.

  1. Start using your phone’s notification silencer, do not disturb, or focus mode in order to be present for whatever you are currently engaged in. Set up specific times slots for specific tasks. If it’s family time, don’t answer work related emails. If you’re at work, save the cute cat videos for dinner time around the table..  
  2. Embrace your inner Einstein. If you have trouble with time management, apps in the app store are going to be your best friend along with free classes online or even alternative forms of therapy such as Reiki, Hypnotherapy, or Neuro-linguistic programming. There are plenty of online coaches who help you focus on mindfulness and meditation. 
  3. Get social with other like-minded adults. Go to the park and have a book reading, go eat lunch on a park bench with a few girlfriends or co-workers, and leave all devices on silent or at the office. Do this at least once a week to interact and unplug.
  4. Focus on the tasks that bring passion and desire then delegate the rest. Yes, you heard me right. If you have interests that conflict with how you earn a living, it’s time to do some self-reflection. Your work is not meant to provide all of your needs, but it should bring you some level of satisfaction. 

It’s not about how many hours you spend burning the midnight oil, or how many meetings you attend in one week, but also about how well you are able to enjoy satisfaction in other areas of your life. As a Mompreneur, the best thing you can do is to make sure you are focused on time management and not time shuffling.


  • Latasha Chubb

    L. Renee started her career as a Grant Administrator for the State of Ohio, where she wrote a $2 million block grant. Now a four-time published author and Financial Coach, L. Renee is passionate about helping individuals and businesses build wealth and overcome negative thoughts about finances and money. According to L. Renee, building wealth is not just about money, but also about the freedom to live life on your terms.

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