Coca-Cola Beverages Florida (Coke Florida) has committed to donating a total of $50,000 to four local charities as part of the company’s 2018 Black History Month initiatives. The company will host four individual check presentations throughout March, evenly distributing the funds between: 100 Black Men of South Florida, Inc.; Pinellas Education Foundation; 100 Black Men of Jacksonville, Inc.; and LIFT Orlando.
“Our red delivery trucks are in every neighborhood, every day,” said Troy Taylor, Coke Florida’s Chairman and CEO. “We have unique visibility into our local communities, and we’re committed to partnering with these charities, because they reflect our own dedication to celebrating inclusiveness, stimulating economic empowerment, and encouraging education across the Sunshine State.”
“Coke Florida is a local business. We all live and work in Florida,” said Travis Warren, Coke Florida’s Manager, Public Affairs and Community Relations. “This is just one way we’re trying to ‘do good’ in the communities we call home.”
Coke Florida, which is one of two African-American owned Coca-Cola bottlers in the U.S., will hold its first check presentation ceremony on March 10th, donating $12,500 to the 100 Black Men of South Florida. The donation will support the non-profit’s Dr. Harold Guinyard Leadership Academy (DHGLA), a premier mentoring program for young black men in the South Florida area.
The DHGLA mentoring program is facilitated by top professionals in South Florida who volunteer their time to empower 61 young leaders who attend Saturday sessions throughout the school year. The sessions are structured to incorporate health and fitness, discussions of current events, exposure to professionals in various careers, and lessons related to each grade level. During the year, the young leaders are out in the community feeding the homeless, visiting cultural sites, attending shows, conducting service trips, and participating in spring break and summer programs for career exposure. Each graduate of the program is awarded a four-year college scholarship.
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